3959 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15260

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A World Cafe is a structured conversation method where participants gather at small tables, similar to a café setting, to discuss a specific topic in-depth, rotating between different groups throughout the session, allowing for diverse perspectives to be shared and collective insights to be generated on the subject matter. The theme of this World Cafe is Unity in Diversity.


The three subjects of discussion will be:  

Table 1: Exploring Unity in Diversity: Share a time when you felt like you truly belonged at Pitt. How do our unique identities strengthen our collective belonging? 

Table 2: Bridging Differences: Share a time when you felt excluded or like you didn’t belong (at Pitt or otherwise). How can we create spaces where everyone feels valued and seen? 

Table 3: Shared Visions: What does a united and inclusive community look like to you? 


Cafe-style refreshments from around the world will be provided! 

RSVP Here: https://pitt.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0ikah3ON2E90afs

Event Details

Please let us know if you require an accommodation in order to participate in this event. Accommodations may include live captioning, ASL interpreters, and/or captioned media and accessible documents from recorded events. At least 5 days in advance is recommended.

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