Work-in-Progress talk featuring Doyin Ogunfeyimi

Tuesday, November 19, 2024 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Fifth Ave at Bigelow, Pittsburgh, 15213

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In this presentation of recent and ongoing work, Dr. Ogunfeyimi will discuss Im/mobile Bodies and the Fragments of Vision in Global Black Photographic Archives. 


What if we turn to the photographic camera machines—their modes of inventions—to understand their operational technologies and their implications for colonial and plantation subjects? What might the inventions of these machines reveal to us about the nature of the images produced through the machines? How, for instance, might the commonplaces of “inversion”, “prism”, and “im/mobility” in Camera Obscura, Camera Lucida, and Daguerreotype respectfully validate, reclaim, and terminate Black being? This work-in-progress talk will rely on the global Black photographic archives and the work of Africana (visual culture) scholars to answer the questions. Through these archives, guided by the scholarly insights, this talk will interrogate the troubling relations between Black being and the photographic camera inventions, relations that erase but also restore Black visibility and that cripple but also claim Black mobility.

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