135 N Bellefield Ave IS Building, The group will meet on the 3rd floor Collaboration Space.

Join the Sara Fine Institute for a UX Study Group!

This study group is an informal learning opportunuty. Its formation recognizes the work of Dr. Sara Fine, a psychologist who explored human interaction with information and technology and how the technological revolution affects individuals, organizations, and societies.

User experience (UX) research is the study of users’ needs, interests, and behaviors as they engage with technology, services, and infrastructure. Through this study group, we will:

  • Build an understanding of UX methods through readings and exercises
  • Find connections between our fields and UX methods
  • Locate ways that we can apply UX methods in our research, careers or future work
  • Understand how UX methods can be employed in ways that meaningfully prioritize equity, diversity, and inclusion 

In this study group, we will read work by UX researchers, as well as writings from fields that inform our understanding of the relationships between people and technology, such as psychology, media studies, library science, and sociology.

This is an informal learning community that will meet monthly. Students, staff, and faculty from all disciplines are welcome. Participants will be invited to propose readings or topics for engagement.

On November 16, we will discuss:

“Card Sorting,” Usability.gov, https://www.usability.gov/how-to-and-tools/methods/card-sorting.html 

Cary-Anne Olsen-Landis, “Card Sorting: A Powerful Simple Research Method,” IBM Design, https://medium.com/design-ibm/card-sorting-a-powerful-simple-research-method-9d1566be9b62.

The fall 2022 dates are: October 19, November 16, and December 14 at 1-2pm. 


Event Details

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