Unfortunately, the opioid crisis has significantly worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, families representing all socioeconomic backgrounds and regions across the U.S. have been affected either directly or indirectly by the devastating epidemic. “Turning the Tide on Opioid Addiction” is a roundtable discussion that brings together leading experts in academic, legislative and public health roles who will address the current state of the opioid epidemic, as well as goals and solutions concerning the ongoing crisis.

Moderator Bill Flanagan will weave questions from the audience into the conversation and ask the well-known leaders to share their personal stories and their thoughts on which decisions and actions will have a positive impact on families, communities and economies throughout the country.


Bernard J. Costello, DMD, MD—Associate Vice Chancellor for Health Science Integration and former Dean, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, and creator of the Pain Care Pledge™

Madeleine Dean, JD—Congresswoman, D-4th District

Rahul Gupta, MD, MPH, MBA—Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy, and former Director, West Virginia Bureau of Public Health

Art Haywood, JD—Pennsylvania State Senator, D-4th District

Jennifer Smith—Pennsylvania Secretary of Drug and Alcohol Programs

Jim Struzzi—Pennsylvania State Representative, R-62nd District


Bill Flanagan—Host and Producer, WPXI-TV’s “Our Region’s Business” and Chief Corporate Relations Officer, Allegheny Conference on Community Development

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