Session Description:

When innovators set out to commercialize a new product, they often direct their initial efforts and resources toward creating a solution for a problem they believe they’ve identified. However, they frequently neglect to ask potential paying customers—essentially their target market—whether this problem is significant to them and if they would be willing to pay for a solution. This oversight can be a critical, and sometimes existential, mistake for a startup.

During this session, Priya Amin, Jeff Garanich, and John Inserra from Pitt’s Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship will discuss steps innovators can take to avoid this pitfall and effectively identify the ‘best’ market for their innovation, if one exists. They will also address how to navigate the situation if they discover that their presumed customers are not interested in paying for their solution. Additionally, they will share examples of companies that successfully commercialized new products by incorporating early feedback from prospective customers.

Join this webinar to:

  • Learn how to glean insights from potential paying customers around whether your innovation is solving an important problem or addressing an unmet need
  • How to pivot from commercialization setbacks based on customer feedback
  • Gain inspiration from successful commercialization stories on how to find the best market for your innovation

Event Details

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