3900 O'Hara Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15260

http://www.staffcouncil.pitt.edu #Staff Council

Join Staff Council for our annual Staff Spring Assembly. We are honored to have Dr. Michelle Schein and Dr. Laura Dietz from the School of Health and Rebabilitaion Sciences, Counseling Department as our co-speakers this year. This is a Hybrid event: Zoom and O'Hara Ballroom. Speakers will be online.  

Feeling overwhelmed and stressed out?  You are not alone.  In this presentation, we will review how different types of stress and how it affects our perceptions and responses to situations at work, at home, and with others in our lives.  We will also outline how becoming increasingly aware of our stress points and engaging in "real life" self-care practices can begin to help us carry the load with grace, humility, humor, and increased confidence.

Event Details

Please let us know if you require an accommodation in order to participate in this event. Accommodations may include live captioning, ASL interpreters, and/or captioned media and accessible documents from recorded events. At least 5 days in advance is recommended.

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