Thursday, January 30, 2025

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (Zoom Session)

Use of a single IRB (sIRB) for multi-site and collaborative research is becoming more commonplace and is now required for most non-exempt human subject research supported by federal funding. So what does it mean for you, the study team, when Pitt takes on that lead IRB role? Join us for this 1 hour virtual presentation as we discuss:

•    Responsibilities when Pitt is the IRB of Record
•    Requesting a sIRB fee budget for your grant
•    Submitting a request for Pitt to serve as IRB of Record for your study
•    Completing your PittPRO application
•    Onboarding relying sites
•    When and what to report to us over the life of your study
Registration for this virtual session is required.
Speaker: Natalie Novak, MSL - Reliance Specialist

Event Details

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