100 Technology Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15219

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The Aging Institute of UPMC and the University of Pittsburgh presents a Special Aging Research Seminar with guest speaker, Hossam A. Abdelsamed, PhD. Dr. Abdelsamed is a research assistant professor of Surgery at the Thomas E. Starzl Transplant Institute of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. He will be presenting his talk, "Recalling our old memories: Epigenetic maintenance in human T cells".

A central part of the Aging Institute at Bridgeside Point mission is to promote innovative research in aging and a rich environment for training new generation of investigators in the aging field. Beyond individualized mentorship, we want to provide support in career development, presentation skills, grant writing and opportunities for collaboration and networking with researchers within and outside the University. 

Lunch will be provided. All postdocs are highly encouraged to attend this event to allow informal interaction with faculty and familiarize postdocs with the non-scientific skills required to pursue and succeed in an academic career.

The Aging Institute at Bridgeside Point is part of UPMC and the Department of Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine 

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