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Title: Intel Silicon Qubits and Research Partnerships

Author list: Nathan Bishop & Intel Quantum Computing team

Building a fault-tolerant quantum computer that competes with classical high performance computing solutions will require millions of physical qubits. While many qubit technologies exist, only spin qubits use the same processes and materials as transistors and can run on the same process line.  Advanced semiconductor manufacturing makes classical devices with billions of transistors. At Intel, we employ that technology, and corresponding infrastructure, to make quantum computing devices based on spins confined to quantum dots in silicon.

Spin qubits in silicon are promising owing to their long coherence times, fast operations, small size, and potential for integration with classical logic or control chips. Error rates consistent with fault-tolerant operation have been demonstrated, opening up new areas of research and exploration for Intel and our research partners.  This talk will cover the status and next steps for qubits at Intel, as well as the types of research which we’re doing with our partners & fruitful areas for new collaborations.

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