809 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222

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In 1968-69, filmmaker John Marshall spent nine months with the cops on the North Side of Pittsburgh. The result is a remarkable portrait of a city and its police force. The camera witnesses domestic conflicts and questionable police tactics, day-to-day squabbles and violent encounters. The set of short films, presented in two programs, has never screened theatrically here until now.

YouTube https://youtu.be/ypsnQnuCeBg
Vimeo https://vimeo.com/746208389

Visit https://trustarts.org/production/83730/list_performances to purchase tickets for the "Cops and Cameras" screenings. 

Visit https://trustarts.org/production/83739/list_performances to purchase tickets for the "Camera as Witnesses" screenings. 

Will Zavala 412-657-8766 willzavala@gmail.com

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