3943 O'Hara Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Landscape of Accelerators and Snowmass’21 Planning for Future

For over half a century, high-energy particle accelerators have been a major enabling technology for particle and nuclear physics research as well as sources of X-rays for photon science research in material science, chemistry and biology. We will briefly review recent advances of the accelerator community to increase the energy and improve the performance of accelerators, reduce their cost, and make them more power efficient.

<Numerous ideas and proposals of future accelerators were discussed in the course of the “Snowmass’21" – the US HEP community forum to develop a scientific vision for the future of particle physics in the U.S. and worldwide. One of the main outcomes of the Snowmass’21 Implementation Task Force was a comparative evaluation of future HEP accelerator facilities, their realization strategies, costs, timelines, and challenges.

Finally, we will take a look into limits of the ultimate future colliders based on traditional as well as on advanced accelerator technologies.

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