About this Event
Pitt-Greensburg will observe Constitution Day on Sept. 15 with a showing of Heidi Schreck's film "What the Constitution Means to Me" (https://constitutionbroadway.com), followed by a short discussion of the ideas presented. Pocket constitutions will also be available for attendees to take with them.
This gathering will be a fitting opportunity to honor the memory of Dr. Eric Kimball because of his deep interest in, and contributions to past Constitution Day programs. Before this year’s program begins, we will invite people who knew Dr. Kimball to write a note or memory on cards provided in the back of the room and then place them in a box. The cards will then be passed along to his family.
Please let us know if you require an accommodation in order to participate in this event. Accommodations may include live captioning, ASL interpreters, and/or captioned media and accessible documents from recorded events. At least 5 days in advance is recommended.