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“Optimizing auditory experience in children with hearing losswho use hearing aids”

Ryan W. McCreery, Ph.D.

The benefits of early detection and intervention for children with hearing loss have been clearly established over the last two decades since the widespreadimplementation of universal newborn hearing screening. However, many children with mild to severe degrees of hearing loss who use hearing aidscontinue to experience delays in spoken language development, even with early identification and intervention. Our research has focused on quantifyingthe impact of well-fitted and consistently worn hearing aids on auditory, language, and cognitive skills in children who use hearing aids. Using acombination of behavioral and neuroimaging methods, our team has developed methods to distinguish the impact of hearing aids from other componentsof the early intervention process for children with hearing aids. In this presentation, the clinical and research implications of supporting cumulative auditoryexperience in children with mild to severe hearing loss will be described. Clinical strategies for maximizing auditory experience for children with hearing losswill also be discussed.

The Matthews-Rubin Lecture was established to honor Dr. Jack Matthews, who founded the Graduate Program in Audiology and Speech-LanguagePathology at the University of Pittsburgh and chaired the Department of Speech from 1955-1987, and Dr. Herb Rubin, who retired in 1991 after 32 years atthe University and chaired the Department of Communication and served as Associate Dean of Graduate Studies. The Matthews-Rubin Endowmentsupports the annual lecture and awards an honorarium to a distinguished scientist with a national/international reputation in the field of communicationscience and disorders.

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