Friday, March 6, 2020 12:00pm to 1:30pm
About this Event
3811 O'Hara St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Higher Cognition and Emotion
The Department of Psychiatry welcomes Cameron Carter, MD from the University California at Davis to Pittsburgh on March 6th as part of the Distinguished Scientist Lecture series. The full talk title is "Neural Basis of Healthy Cognition and the Pathophysiology of Disturbances In Higher Cognition and Emotion".
The Carter Laboratory focuses on neural mechanisms of attention, memory and cognitive control, and on the pathophysiological processes underlying clinical disorders that involve the cognitive, emotional and social processes governed by the neural circuitry supporting these systems in the brain. Dr. Carter's research integrates behavioral, computational, and functional neuroimaging (fMRI, PET, EEG) along with neuromodulation using pharmacology and brain stimulation (tDCS). He is particularly interested in the relative contribution of the prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate to executive processes and the interaction of this circuitry with related brain circuitry involved in motivation, attention and learning and memory. A second avenue of research focuses on the pathophysiology of disturbances in cognition in mental disorders such as schizophrenia and OCD, with the goal of developing biomarkers for early identification and precision medicine and more effective therapies which can improve patients' ability to recover from their illness. Dr. Carter and his colleagues are also involved in the development of new treatments for cognitive disability in schizophrenia and other brain disorders. This work includes translational research focused on the role of altered neuroimmune mechanisms in developmental disruptions of brain connectivity that underlie risk for psychosis and other serious mental illness. This work is supported by an NIMH Conte Center.
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