123 University Place, Pittsburgh, 15213

http://www.ctsi.pitt.edu/modeling-conference.html #PHDL
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Studying the complex contexts of health behaviors and the dynamic interactions of individuals with their social and physical environments is critical for identifying and informing public health intervention opportunities. This conference will bring together national leaders from across the country to discuss the integration of modeling approaches into the field of behavioral and community health sciences. Through panel discussions and breakout sessions, attendees will learn about existing research, discuss associated challenges and opportunities, and chart a path forward for this emerging field.

Examine the use of computational approaches in social and behavioral research in this day-long, free conference jointly sponsored by Pitt's Clinical and Translational Science Institute, the Center for Social Dynamics & Community Health and the Public Health Dynamics Laboratory at Pitt Public Health.

A continental breakfast and buffet lunch will be provided. If you plan on attending, please register by October 12, 2018.


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