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Ronald D. Joslin, Ph.D., M.B.A.

Program Director, Fluid Dynamics, CDS&E, CSSI, CASIS ISS Programs

National Science Foundation

Bio: Dr. Ronald D. Joslin has been the Program Director of the Fluid Dynamics program at the National Science Foundation (NSF) since 2016. He has supported research in biofluids, complex, micro/nano, transition, turbulence, & non-Newtonian fluids, joint NSF/AFOSR efforts in hypersonic transition & turbulent flows, NSF/DoE efforts on wind energy, and NSF/CASIS efforts on experimentation on the international space station (ISS). In 2021, he was appointed to the Science Subcommittee of the ISS National Lab User Advisory Committee to support the community and advise the CASIS CEO. He was appointed as the Chair of the subcommittee in March 2024. Prior to NSF, Dr. Joslin was a Program Officer at the Office of Naval Research, was the Navy Principal responsible for High Performance Supercomputing resources across all Navy laboratories and programs, taught & conducted research at the Pennsylvania State University, and led scientific teams and programs at the NASA Langley Research Center. He is a Fellow of the ASME and an Associate Fellow of the AIAA.


Topic: "Overview of NSF & Research Funding Opportunities"

Abstract: An overview of the National Science Foundation (NSF) and federal funding opportunities will be discussed in the presentation. Synopsis of ENG/CBET, Fluid Dynamics, CAREER, ISS, ERI, fellowships, and other programs will be discussed during this open exchange of Q&A. The discussion will transition to a partnership activity with the International Space Station (ISS), the Department of Energy, and other partnerships with U.S. and international agencies and how to get funding from these partnership opportunities. The talk will highlight a few of the Foundation wide programs in Diversity and Inclusion. Finally, some recommendations will be made on how to success in obtaining federal funding for research.


Thursday, September 12, 2024


O'Hara Student Center Dining Room


Host: Peyman Givi

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