Tuesday, October 25, 2022 1:00pm to 2:00pm
About this Event
"The Private Provision of Public Services: Evidence from Random Assignment in Medicaid”
Presented By: Chima Ndumele, MPH, PhD
Dr. Chima Ndumele is an Associate Professor of Health Policy at the Yale School of Public Health and a Faculty Associate at the Institute for Social and Policy Studies at Yale University. He is also the co-director of the Learning States Lab, which conducts work funded by the NIH and several foundations. His research is focused on better understanding factors which influence the way vulnerable populations connect with and access health care resources. This work includes examining the effect of public policy on the care received by Medicaid enrollees, identifying strategies to improve the quality of services delivered in the health care safety-net, and investigating how the design and allocation of services in social policy programs impact the health of low-income families. Dr. Ndumele received his PhD from the Brown University School of Public Health.
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