The Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh invites you to join us for our Lunch Time Talk. Attend in person at 1117 Cathedral of Learning or visit our live stream on YouTube at

LTT – Arnon Levy

December 8 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EST

Title: A Critique of the Argument from Inductive Risk


The argument from inductive risk states that scientists should consider the consequences of their hypotheses and methodological choices in the course of ongoing research. It has played a central role in the widespread retreat from the ideal of value-free science. In this talk I argue that this retreat has been too hasty, insofar as the inductive risk argument suffers from significant flaws: it mislocates social decision-making, assigning an implausibly burdensome role to working scientists. My critique rests on the claim that the focus on inductive risks is an unstable position, and that once that is taken seriously, the argument’s conclusion becomes untenable. I suggest that the motivations underlying the appeal to inductive risks motivate a more throughgoing consequence-oriented view of science, but that such a view can and should make room for value-freedom at the level of individual scientists.


This talk will also be available live streamed on You Tube at

Event Details

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