Dr. Quinn will provide an overview of the Contraception on Demand (COD) project (a protocol for pharmacist provision and 12-month dispensing of hormonal contraception within VA), including sharing findings from the initial pilot project and describing current implementation. For the second part of the seminar, Dr. Quinn will present draft Aims for feedback for a future research proposal to systematically evaluate COD’s rollout across the VA enterprise. Please come prepared to engage!


Dr. Quinn is a Core Investigator at the Center for Health Equity Research & Promotion (CHERP) at VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System and an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh. Her research broadly explores individual-, family-, and community-level influences on sexual and reproductive health. Since joining VA, Dr. Quinn’s research has focused on advancing the quality and equity of reproductive health and healthcare for women Veterans. She is currently supported by a VA HSR Career Development Award.

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