3941 O'Hara Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Search for Baryon Number Violation in 130Te with CUORE

CUORE is one of the world leading experiments to search for neutrinoless double beta decay. The excellent energy resolution and the stability of the detectors at CUORE also allow for other rare event searches. This talk will detail an ongoing analysis to search for baryon number violation processes in CUORE. The preservation of baryon number in the Standard Model relies on an accidental symmetry rather than being deduced from fundamental principles. If there is evidence suggesting a breach of this symmetry, it would significantly impact our understanding of the universe, especially concerning the origin of the matter-antimatter imbalance. One suggested way to violate the conservation of baryon number is through tri-nucleon decay, where three nucleons decay simultaneously within a nucleus. The resulting decay products are emitted with energy in the GeV range, making them a promising signal for detection in the CUORE experiment. For 130Te, the isotope of interest for CUORE, the daughter nucleus after the decay is unstable and the subsequent decay radiation can offer an additional signature coinciding with the emitted energy. This presentation will describe the search signatures, the relevant background, and the analysis techniques used in this investigation.

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