You’ve heard of systematic reviews (SRs), but what are they? This class for students, faculty, and residents will provide an overview of this study type, describe characteristics of high-quality systematic reviews, and provide a glimpse into the comprehensive literature searches required for such projects.

Upon completing this class, you should be able to:

  • Describe several characteristics of a well-done systematic review that distinguish it from a traditional narrative review
  • Identify the well-known sets of standards available to guide development of 1) a systematic review protocol and, 2) a report of a completed systematic review
  • Describe the overall purpose of a “comprehensive" literature search

Recording status: This class will not be recorded.

Class Materials: Class materials will be shared with attendees.

Date: May 23, 2024
Time: 9:00am to 10:00am
Mode: Zoom
Location: Online, Online - synchronous
Instructor: Mary Lou Klem
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