This presentation will review the remarkable life and accomplishments of the prolific inventor, progressive industrialist, and successful entrepreneur, George Westinghouse. A Civil War veteran who at age 21 devised a way to stop trains using compressed steam, he revolutionized rail travel around the globe making it safer and more efficient. Drilling for natural gas in his own backyard, he pioneered a whole new form of energy. Then, with help from numerous notables, he developed systems to generate, transmit, and use AC electricity. As presenter David Bear contends, George Westinghouse had a greater impact on the world and history than anyone who ever called Pittsburgh home.

David Bear is the original organizer of The Westinghouse Park 2nd Century Coalition and founding president of The Westinghouse Legacy. Bear is a former Post-Gazette editor and public radio host/producer.

This free online lecture is hosted by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Pittsburgh and is open to the public. Register online!

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