3960 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15260

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Ground & Second Floors, Hillman Library

Free & open to the public during Hillman Library hours

The ground floor cases in Hillman Library feature a map of the Silk Road from its Eastern terminus in the Chinese city of Xian to its western terminus in Constantinople. They also display the late-14th century Catalan Atlas, the most detailed world map of its time, showing key places along and major figures who traveled the overland route of the Silk Road.

The exhibit continues on the second floor of Hillman Library in five thematic display cases: Horses and Dynasties: Cartography and Painting in China10th-14th CenturiesAlexander the Great, Kublai Khan, and Marco Polo: Confluences of Power and Exchange in AssiaMusical Encounters in the Deserts and Mountains of Central AsiaExplorations in Turkestan: Aurel Stein and Bamiyan; and New World Exploitation and the China Trade with Europe.

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