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On display at Falk Library from February 12 through March 22, 2024. Free and open to the public during regular library hours.

About the Exhibit:

This exhibit explores the story of citizen action taken against an environmental danger. Lead exposure can cause neurological problems and sometimes even death; yet this metal has been pervasive in many aspects of American life for over a century. Historically, mining, battery manufacturing, smelting, and enameling industries included lead in their production processes, impacting factory workers and consumers. Manufacturers added lead to household paints and gasoline, endangering the health of families and polluting the air through exhaust fumes. To protect themselves against the dangers of lead poisoning, scientists, families, and individuals opposed industries, housing authorities, and elected officials.

Additional HSLS items will be on display, including historical books by Bernardino Ramazzini, known as the Father of Occupational Medicine.

Many online resources are available to read further and learn more:

Information for Visitors:

Visit Falk Library between February 12 and March 22, 2024, to view the exhibit. We recommend allowing 30 minutes to review the exhibit content on display.

Falk Library is located on Pitt’s campus, in Alan Magee Scaife Hall. Please enter the building from Lothrop Street, and proceed to Floor M (Mezzanine), below Floor 3. Visitors will be received during library open hours.

*The National Library of Medicine produced this exhibition and companion website.

Event Details

Please let us know if you require an accommodation in order to participate in this event. Accommodations may include live captioning, ASL interpreters, and/or captioned media and accessible documents from recorded events. At least 5 days in advance is recommended.

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