3960 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15260

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Digital Scholarship Services and Web Services & Communications invite you to visit the exhibit, Space and Film: Geography as a Major Actor, displayed in the ground-level entrance of Hillman Library.

Geography plays a prominent role in the art of motion picture: from being a simple, esthetically beautiful background to being one of the main actors, to even validating the movie itself by showing that it is not just a piece of fantasy and fiction, but does indeed take place in a concrete place and time.

Space influences not only the actions, but also the whole life and death of the main character as Into the Wild shows. It can serve as a physical and mental catharsis in Wild. The desert, in the words of Roger Ebert, can seduce the characters in The Sheltering Skywith “its purity, beauty and harshness,” but it can be cruel and bring about their destruction. Its majesty and beauty, however, can also inspire them to start a journey that will help them understand their loved ones better, as does Tommy in The Way.” Geographical location can also serve as an exotic and shallow background for one shaken-not-stirred-martini sipper, named James, James Bond – probably the most well-traveled movie hero of all time.

This exhibit explores the interrelationship between space and film based on several pictures that, in our opinion, illustrate vividly the argument about the utmost importance of geography. We intended to show the opportunities that GIS allow us by creating original or using already existing maps, which tell the story of the film and help us grasp the enormousness of the tasks the characters undertake. We have also tried to introduce a little humor in the whole enterprise by predicting where Mr. Bond will travel in his next movie.

The exhibit, curated by Boris Michev, would not have been possible without the excellent ideas and technical skills of Justin Pastrick.

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