EOH Seminar

Pitt Public Health | Department of Environmental and Occupational Health presents:

Impact of Air Pollution on Asthma Outcomes in Our Region

Deborah Gentile, MD
Allergy & Immunology Specialist

Friday, December 10, 2021
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Dr. Deborah Gentile is East Suburban Pediatrics' Director of Allergy and Asthma Services. She provides comprehensive treatment for children and adults with asthma, environmental allergies, food allergies, and other immune problems. In addition, Dr. Gentile’s research interest is determining asthma prevalence and its risk factors in local community. She is also actively participating in community research educating risk community members about asthma and air pollution.


Learning from our students/staff/faculty, nationally and internationally known scientists, practitioners and policymakers on issues of environmental, occupational and public health.

The EOH Seminar Series typically takes place every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month from 1:00pm – 2:00pm. Through presentations and discussions, we aim to highlight the latest cutting-edge environmental health science research, promote public health, and enhance multidisciplinary collaborations between medical, public health specialists and community.  Moreover, we would like to highlight research from young investigators and our EOH students and fellows. In additional to topics of environmental and occupational health exposures, we will have presentations about social justice and diversity, women and children health, neurological disorders, cell metabolism and stem cells, metal toxicity, respiratory biology, redox biology, microbiology and host defense, and environmental epigenetics. Please stay-tuned!

If you would like to attend a seminar or receive e-mail notices about future EOH seminar series, please contact Adam Orbell (aorbell@pitt.edu). If you have other questions about our EOH seminar series, please contact Winnie Tang (wat23@pitt.edu) and Bruce Pitt (brucep@pitt.edu).

This fall we will hold “hybrid” meetings, which will meet our speaker in person and also allow for virtual participation (via Zoom).  Please email Kelly Tatone (Kelly Tatone) if Zoom accommdation is needed.

Event Details

Please let us know if you require an accommodation in order to participate in this event. Accommodations may include live captioning, ASL interpreters, and/or captioned media and accessible documents from recorded events. At least 5 days in advance is recommended.

Please email klt75@pitt.edu for Zoom information.

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