About this Event
230 S Bouquet St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
#economics, lecture, graduates, facultyAnna Maria Mayda is currently Senior Advisor to the Chief Economist at the U.S. State Department, where she works on international economic issues. She is on leave from Georgetown University, where she is an Associate Professor of Economics. Anna Maria’s research focuses on the political economy of immigration and trade policy and has been published in, for example, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Review of Economics and Statistics, the European Economic Review and the Journal of International Economics. Her work has been funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, the World Bank, the IMF, the Inter-American Development Bank and the OECD. Anna Maria studied Economics and Statistics at University of Rome La Sapienza. She received her MA and PhD in Economics from Harvard University in 2003. She is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research, the Institute of Labor Economics, and the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration.
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