Learn how to use MATLAB to process lidar sensor data for ground, aerial and indoor lidar processing application. In this session you will learn how to use MATLAB to:

  • Import and visualize live and recorded lidar data
  • Apply deep learning to lidar data
  • Calibrate lidar and cameras
  • Track objects in lidar
  • Create 3-D maps and terrain maps using SLAM
  • Generate C/C++ and GPU Code


  • Lidar Labeler App: Interactive, semi-automated, and custom automated labeling of lidar point clouds
  • Lidar-Camera Calibration: Calibrate lidar and camera sensors to estimate cross-sensor coordinate transform
  • Deep Learning for Lidar Point Cloud Processing: Use deep learning networks to detect and segment objects in lidar point cloud data
  • Shape Fitting: Fit shape and track detected objects in a lidar point cloud sequence
  • Feature Matching: Extract and match lidar point cloud features
  • Lidar Object Tracking
  • Simulating Lidar Sensor Data
  • 2-D Lidar Processing: Simulate and process 2-D laser scan data and estimate the pose between two scans
  • Velodyne LiDAR Streaming: Connect and stream lidar point clouds from Velodyne LiDAR sensors
  • Lidar File Readers: Support for Ibeosensor, LAS, and LAZ file formats
  • Code generation for CPU and GPU

About the Presenter:
Avinash Nehemiah, Principal Product Marketing Manager for computer vision, automated driving and deep learning at MathWorks, has ten years of experience in computer vision. Prior to joining MathWorks he led a team that created a computer vision-based solution for patient safety in hospital rooms. Avinash has a Master's degree in electrical and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, where his research focused on object recognition in radar imagery.

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