3900 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15260

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A City Divided tells the story of a violent encounter between 18-year-old Jordan Miles and the three plainclothes Pittsburgh Police officers, just outside Miles’ house in Homewood. The incident left the young man battered and charged with felonies. The book takes an in-depth look at the opposing stories, and at the outsized roles of race and fear in triggering this incident and so many like it. A City Divided examines the case in order to ask not just what happened that night, but why did it happen? Can the law and the courts respond with a just solution? And how can we prevent these tragedies in the future? David A. Harris, a resident of Pittsburgh and the Sally Ann Semenko Chair at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, has written, published and conducted research at the intersection of race, criminal justice and the law for almost thirty years. Harris is the leading national authority on racial profiling, and the host of the Criminal Injustice podcast. He is a winner of the Jefferson Award for Public Service, and the author of three other books on criminal justice, police, and race.

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