Atwood and Sennott Streets, Pittsburgh, PA 15260
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The University of Pittsburgh Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling Graduate Program will be holding an interactive workshop on Cultural Humility in Counseling. The undergraduate level workshop will be led by faculty of the University of Pittsburgh Counseling Program. Lunch and refreshments will be provided!

When counseling clients from different cultures, too often, counselors feel paralyzed by the fear that they don’t know enough to effectively counsel someone different from themselves. Cultural Humility is the process of being other-oriented, self-reflective, and having a lack of superiority toward an individual’s cultural background and experience. This workshop has been designed to increase multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills in the competencies necessary to effectively work with and relate to ethnically and culturally diverse clients. Attendees will examine their own culture, attitudes, beliefs and internalized messages. Attendees will learn how to use cultural humility to help build authentic relationships with people of different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Attending this workshop will provide tools and strategies to help increase understanding of cultural experiences with which attendees are not personally or professionally familiar.

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