Wednesday, December 11, 2024 12:00pm to 1:00pm
About this Event
3550 Terrace Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Please join us for Critical Care Medicine Grand Rounds on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at noon in 1105 Scaife and on Teams Webinar.
Ruchira M. Jha, MD MSc FNCS is an associate professor at the Barrow Neurological Institute and St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center where she serves as Division Chief of Neurocritical Care and Medical Director of the Neurocritical Care ICU. Dr. Jha obtained her MD and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Medical School. She remained at Harvard for her medical internship at Massachusetts General Hospital. This was followed by neurology residency, neurology chief residency, and neurocritical care fellowship at the combined Harvard Medical School program at MGH and BWH. Over the decade following completion of her clinical training, she spent several formative years at the University of Pittsburgh as a neurointensivist under the clinical leadership of Dr. Lori Shutter and the scientific mentorship of Dr. Patrick Kochanek. Here, she also earned a Master of Science degree in Clinical and Translational Research, and several NIH awards including a T32, KL2, K23 NIH/NINDS R01 and R21 awards to pursue her translational research to evaluate and develop individualized targets against cerebral edema and secondary injury after TBI. She has multiple publications and national presentations in this field. She is also involved in multicenter collaborations with TBI consortia such as TRACK TBI and GAIN (Genetic Associations in Neurotrauma) for her research. Dr. Jha serves on the editorial board of JAMA Neurology, Critical Care Medicine, the Journal of Neurotrauma and is the Critical Care section editor for the journal Stroke.
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