COVID-19 is one of three novel coronavirus outbreaks in the past 20 years that originated in animals. How is the current outbreak similar and different from previous ones? What course will COVID-19 take in Pennsylvania?

IDM’s Amy Hartman will put the current outbreak in perspective with what we know (and don’t know) about SARS-CoV-2. EPI’s Donald Burke will discuss the epidemiological and environmental factors that will shape the likely phases of the COVID-19 epidemic in our region, and how we can prepare for them.

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The Whole Series:
Conversations About COVID-19

Providing our school community, alumni, and the public with credible information about the virus and associated health impacts.

Each Friday this May and June, Pitt Public Health experts will have a conversation about different aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic and then address questions from attendees.

 Upcoming Seminars

  • 5/08 –  Amy Hartman and Donald Burke:
    The History and Future of COVID-19

  • 5/15  –  Gary-Webb and Maseru with Fred Brown of the Forbes Fund:
    A Health Equity Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Allegheny County

  • 5/22  –  Feingold and Martinson:
    Phylogenetic Trees - What They Can (And Can’t) Tell Us About COVID-19

  • 5/29  –  Albert and Hoffman:
    Understanding and Addressing the COVID-19 Infodemic

  • 6/05  –  Tang and Bandos:
    Biostatistical Modeling and COVID-19

  • 6/12  –  Haggerty and Braund:
    Health Department Responses

  • and more to come...


Event Details

Please let us know if you require an accommodation in order to participate in this event. Accommodations may include live captioning, ASL interpreters, and/or captioned media and accessible documents from recorded events. At least 5 days in advance is recommended.

Advance register at to receive Zoom link and password.

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