Fifth Ave at Bigelow, Pittsburgh, 15213

Hosted by the Humanities Center and graduate fellow, Momina Masood. Respondent includes Daniel Heifetz from the Religious Studies department. This event will be hybrid, so you can attend it either in person in 602 CL or via Zoom as you prefer.

In this project, Masood explores the idea of scatter as a material and historical heuristic in relation to the cinema of Pakistan between the 1970s to 1990s. She argues that cinema of this period was more rupture than form, and circulated as an assemblage of excess which continually mutated and transformed itself. The decades under study are generally considered to be a period of decline in Pakistani cinema history, but Masood’s objective is to make visible the inventive exhibition strategies that not only kept cinema thriving but which created unruly cinematic forms to bypass the state’s watchful gaze.

Precirculated material for this colloquium will be available here about two weeks prior and up to the event.

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