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Even before the pandemic brought its own host of challenges to higher education, institutional leaders found themselves investing in services to support changing student populations. Investments in holistic advising were a significant part of this support, although these investments were often made in a piecemeal fashion and governed by different processes and objectives. As a result, pockets of holistic advising are now found at most higher education institutions, but a lack of coordination limits the effectiveness and consistency of student advising. With little institution-wide strategy and limited funding, an individual student might have vastly different advising experiences at the same school. This scenario is even more problematic when students with similar levels of need receive inconsistent and varied levels of support. To better support our students, we must clearly define the responsibilities of each advising role and provide students access to a team of experts ready to provide the guidance they need. This session will explore why standardized advising is critical, how to assign responsibilities between faculty and professional advising functions, and strategies to empower all advisors to provide student-centered advising. 


Presenters: April Belback, Associate Vice Provost for Student Success and Advising, and Kevin Clarke, Associate Director, Research Advisory Services at EAB


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