presented by the the University Library System's Horror Studies Webinar Series 



Melanie Anderson, Ph.D.: assistant professor of English whose expertise focuses on American gothic and supernatural fiction.  Co-author of the award-winning book Monster, She Wrote.

Lisa Kroger, Ph.D.: multiple award winning author of both fiction and non-fiction, who also holds a doctorate in Gothic Literature. Co-author of the award winning book Monster, She Wrote.

Lisa Morton: former president of the Horror Writers Association and multiple award winning author and editor of both fiction and non-fiction books and anthologies whose works include Malediction, A Hallowe’en Anthology, and Midnight Walk and the Weird Women anthology.


Register below and then join us for our other Horror Studies Webinar Series program It Came from the Archives! If you would like to keep up to date with our monthly newsletter featuring Horror Collection updates, Romero news, horror events, and more, sign up at


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