What does social justice have to do with art and DIY print culture? 

Follow your curiosity to this interactive information session about a new creative research opportunity available for undergraduate students in the Dietrich School and the College of General Studies. Inspired by the life and activism of the Jewish, lesbian, anti-fascist librarian and writer, Eve Adams (1891-1943), this residency supports 4-6 undergraduate Artist-Scholars conducting research on a social justice topic of their choice during the Summer of 2022. 

The Text & conText Lab will serve as the center for creative inquiry as students learn letterpress printing and linoleum block-carving techniques to share findings from their research on the past, present and future of social justice organizing. 

More information about this opportunity and application materials can be found at asundergrad.pitt.edu/artist 

This opportunity is presented in partnership between The Office for Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity; the Center for Creativity; and the University Library System. 

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