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Career Services is pleased to announce our next Alumni-in-Residence visitor, Patrick Cornell. This program serves to connect GSPIA alumni with students who are interested in their field through one-on-one meetings. Each meeting is scheduled for 30 minutes and can be used as a time to conduct an informational interview, seek career advice, and network.

Patrick is currently the Chief Financial Officer for the City of Pittsburgh. He started with the City in 2015 as a Budget Analyst fresh out of GSPIA. As an analyst, he was responsible for the expenditures for several departments including Public Safety (Police, EMS, Fire, Animal Care and Control), Finance, and Human Resources. Since then, he’s been a Senior Budget Analyst, Assistant Director, and Deputy Director in the Office of Management and Budget. In his current role, he is overseeing the Operating, Capital, and Community Development budgets and teams, as well as the Department of Finance.

Patrick is originally from Maryland. He graduated from Pitt in 2012 with degrees in Mathematics and Economics. A year working as an English-language assistant in Tournon-sur-Rhône, France sparked an interest in public service, public administration, and government. In 2013, he started the MPA program at GSPIA to hone his policy analysis skills. Outside of normal coursework, Patrick did research for the University Center for Social and Urban Research, traveled to Brussels to learn about the European Union, added Portuguese to his language repertoire, and studied Latin American public policy.

Outside of the City-County Building, Patrick is on the Treasurer of the Allegheny CleanWays board. He lives in Beechview. His most recent trip abroad was to Bolivia.

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